catch a vibe, Share the vibe...
from Original handpainted canvas
artworks Made into original digital designs!
Wholesome Vibes

Original Embroidered designs
Wearable art:
human-created artworks turned digital design by an independent artist

Wholesome Living Projects Presents:
Wholesome Vibes
A Whole product line from the Project that started it all...
Circa 2017 - Wholesome Living Project
Encouraging individuals to live with intention, thought, kindness, and authenticity.
Fast Forward, 2024, we are showcasing our Wholesome philosophies and original artworks turned digitial design on products by our independent creator. We are an unofficial not-for-profit. We support local and our vision of a Wholesome world wherever we go, sharing knowledge, wisdom and living Wholesomely within our communities helps make us healthier and stronger together. We cultivate and develop our Wholesome Community, joining individuals together and inspiring each other to live more Wholesomely. Through journeying on our own Wholesome Living Project, we encourage others to do similarly.
By writing and wearing these positive, insightful, and meaningful phrases on our clothing and accessories we are manifesting together a more Wholesome world.
The Main pillars include:
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, and Responsibility.
Be a good human.
Protect our rights, waters, food supply's, and freedoms.
Bee Kind,
Bee Wholesome.
You Are Awesome!
Dance It Out!
Eat Real Whole Food. Drink clean water.
If you have time for drama, you aren't gardening enough.
Raise good humans.
Protect our Forests, Protect our Waters, Protect Nature.